Akira Hawke: A Compilation of Lies and Odd Behavior

Akira Hawke continues to lie about stepping down from Revival.

Discord data scraping reveals a discrepancy between what Akira is saying publicly and what he is actually doing.

*Please note how Arianne’s administrator role is given by Admin_Perms. While Akira gave these same permissions to himself.

This leads us to believe that the Retired Owner role is pure vanity, and a misdirection.

Arianne refers to Akira as still having the “keys” for the server in the leaked chat below. At this time we have no concrete indication that Akira actually intends on stepping down.

Additionally, another leak seems to imply that Akira’s intentions are to lay low until the drama blows over.

We ask ourselves,

If Akira truly cared about his racially diverse friends, why has he allowed his staff to mistreat Brian Ricardo—an Afro-Latin man—for years? Even his presumptive heir, Arianne Rosecrown, openly speaks to Brian with disdain and dismisses his concerns about racism. It's worth reminding readers that Brian Ricardo was the original founder of PvP Revival.

More examples here.

Akira’s Priorities: What He Chose to Defend Most

There was also accusations of bestiality, which frankly I didn’t read because the entire idea grosses me out a bit. Also zoophillia, anything that has to do with non-sentient beings is just weird to me. - Akira Hawke’s deleted statement

We already know Akira sanctioned Kon for his video reporting impartially on the Akira Files. He specifically mentions “bestiality” as the reason in the conversation with Kon to the left.

Despite this,

Akira goes out of his way to specify or allude to his interest in bestiality seven separate times in his own F-list, which he acknowledges is also his in the now deleted statement.

*In this excerpt from his statement, Akira acknowledges that the F-list is his, and that the fact it was recorded was a “saving grace.”