Season 12 Incident

We expect all users to behave in a respectable fashion. As such, we have zero tolerance for the following:

”Personal attacks, naming and shaming, trolling, or in-game bad manners (BM)”

-PvP Revival TOS-

During Season 12 of Crystalline Conflict on the NA data center, PvP Revival took an unprecedented step by pinging (@everyone) and publicly calling out individual players for alleged win trading. In a move widely condemned by other PvP communities, the server’s owner and admin, Akira Hawke, issued a mass ping to all 40,000 members, declaring these players guilty beyond any doubt.

Akira then proceeded to name each accused player individually—including some who had already been banned from PvP Revival. This raised concerns that the primary goal was not enforcement but public shaming. The language used in the announcement was unequivocally damning, leaving no room for ambiguity. Given the server's size and influence, many players on the list faced significant harassment, with some even later proven to have been wrongfully accused or implicated based on minimal evidence.

As scrutiny grew, conflicts of interest among the investigation team came to light—several PvP Revival administrators assigned to review the allegations had prior friendships or personal conflicts with the accused. Their own Crystalline Conflict experience was also called into question. This raised serious doubts about the integrity and impartiality of the process.

Amid mounting backlash, the list was eventually retracted, but only after widespread outrage. Despite this, PvP Revival has yet to issue an apology.

*Akira Hawke, as owner of PvP Revival, personally pinged 40,000 members to publicly name and shame a select group of individuals for win trading. The investigation was not impartial and conducted poorly. The people named suffered harassment and reputational loss. In a widely condemned move, this effectively weaponized the server for retaliatory purposes.